Thursday, September 15, 2011

Your Prayers Are Needed

To everyone that prayed for our family I would like to express my whole hearted thanks. But now I would like to ask you all for more prayers, not for us but for another family. We have been following the lives of Baby Jaela and her mommy and daddy and they currently are in need of many prayers. I wont go into to many details but Baby Jaela is currently in a battle for her life. While she seems to be doing better now she still is not out of the woods yet. She to has OI and is going through many of the same things that my precious Z went through. Please, please, please send you prayers there way because they need them so. I'm not one to ask much from others but if you could please help it would be greatly appreciated.
We know the battle and heartache they are facing all to close. And we know just how much it helps to have those prayers from people. Again I beg of everyone to pray for this family. We want to see Baby Jaela pull out of this. We want to see this family take home there baby. I have even pulled out the big guns and asked Z to come and be with Baby Jaela and help her. I know she is. She has always been such a helper. THANK YOU Z!! And thank you to everyone else, you just don't know how much each thought, prayer, phone call, or email helps. I love you all!
Always and forever,
Z's Daddy
If you want to follow up and read more on Baby Jaela, please follow the link to their blog on our blogroll, "Baby Jaela". Thanks again!


  1. You got it Ernesto. Baby Jaela and her family will be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish her and her family the best and pray for a positive outcome for Baby Jaela!

    Take care my friend.

  2. Thanks Steven. It really means a lot to me and to Baby Jaela's family. I hope your doing well. Take care!
